Friday, September 13, 2024



Happy Friday the 13th! 

Except is it happy?

There are stories throughout history and in several cultures that talk about the number 13 as being unlucky and how it's even more unlucky when the date falls on a Friday. 

Where do these come from?

One depiction of 13 as an unlucky number comes from Christian mythology in The Last Supper when the 13th guest was Judas who later betrayed Jesus. In another from Norse mythology the number 13 becomes unlucky when Loki crashes a party, bringing the number of gods to 13. 

Friday is considered especially unlucky according to the Christian Bible with it being the day that Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, the day that Cain murdered Abel, Noah's flood beginning, and the toppling of the Temple of Solomon. 

However it wasn't until the 19th century that Friday the 13th became the harbinger of unlucky lore that it is today, and if we dig further we find that both the number 13 and Friday are said to be lucky and even blessed days. These days and numbers are often associated with the divine feminine in many cultures. So is it misogyny that has rooted them in bad luck?

Whatever you believe I hope that today is beautiful for you. 

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