Showing posts with label goals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label goals. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 9, 2024



It's been awhile. 

I've been really focused on some things that were taking up all my time and energy, but there have been some changes which makes me hopeful that my goals will get back on track. 

First of all, this cutest little thing was born. Her first name that I tried out was Fauna, but it doesn't quite fit we are back to the drawing board. She's pretty darn adorable, and I 100% do not mind her taking up a bunch of my time. 

I've been prepping to launch two new little businesses via my farm. Warmest Regards which will be hand spun yarn! Eventually I hope to have my own sheep or alpacas to spin with, but for now I'm learning to spin and dye these things. It should be super fun. The other is The Midnight Hippie which is a self care product shop made with farm fresh ingredients, like goats milk from my Nigerian Dwarf herd of dairy goats and honey from my hive. I also still have Neon Daisy Co. of course. (click the title of any shop to find it online)

I'm also making moves to upgrade my horse life. Follow that journey here. Click here!

One of the things I had to give up was partnering with my friend, Erin for the farm school. Although I loved having a job focused on horses, my heart is not in teaching beginners. And as a fledgling business, it required a large time commitment. Being that I live an hour away from the farm where the school is hosted it was just too much of a time commitment for me, and it was taking away from my own farm. Everyone seems to want the tea on my leaving Sonoran Daisy, so that's it. 

No big fight. Erin and I are still friends. I adore her. I adore her kids. There was no drama. Just a decision between the two of us to do what was best for me, for her, and for the school and for my farm. 

I've been slowly working on all my works in progress. The meNoir is coming along, but I'll be honest I have to work on that one slowly because it tends to release a lot of trauma. For my own mental health, that one is taking as long as it takes. Now my Lucifer book, that one is just pouring out. I can picture those characters so vividly that they just sort of write the story themselves. I'm so excited for this one. My necromancer story is on hold for a bit. I'm working some things out with the magic system, plus Lucifer is taking up all of my brain. 

What have y'all been up to?

Follow me on socials here! 

Monday, January 1, 2024

Hello 2024


This picture is taken in a time when I was deeply unhappy, my mental health was off the deep end, and I was on the verge of destroying my life because of the combination of those two things. 

I'm not even close to the same person that I was in that photo. 

And in 2024, I'm going to embrace even more being who I am. My word for the year is authentic. 

As I work on my memoir collection, I want to share openly about my life and the things I've worked through. I want other people to know that they can overcome the same things that I've overcome. I want them to know that it won't be easy, and it won't be linear...but it can be done. 

I often hold back out of fear of being "too much" or something. But if I'm too much then they can go find less. I'm heading into 2024 letting go of my insecurities and my fear of what others thing or fear of failing. For me, 2024 is more about letting go of things that no longer serve me instead of trying to become something I am not.